Sunday, November 29, 2015

1 week already?!

Wow..almost a week of being away! Sorry guys! Was really tied up at work!

And I wasn't even able to upload new videos for the entire week..well it's because le gf is heading to Korea for her holiday trip with her friends..I'm sorry my dear I couldn't go with you =(

Throughout the whole week I've actually decided to spend as much time with her as possible before she heads off to Korea for 10 days..yea yea I know..I'm a little clingy.. xP

Well..she's already 2 nights into Korea by the time this post is up..glad that she's enjoying herself there as it is winter now haha

We've been keeping in touch with video calls (she's on the hotel's wifi *phew*) and when she's out she's able to get online via this "EGG" which pretty much is a modem/router thingy-ma-jig..let's just say it's a wifi device lah xD

On the gaming side..on the 25th November..Rainbow Six: Siege Open Beta was launched..for us at Malaysia it was the 26th..downloaded the game via UPlay after getting back home on the Thursday night..I was able to run the game on the 27th and had a run..played Terrorist Hunt - Lone Wolf (Me vs Bots)

It's fun! Definitely not Destiny or Call of Duty..there is no longer the cover system that was available in Rainbow Six: Vegas & Vegas 2..but it was still fun! Going solo was tough..I couldn't even win any of the's the video of it xD

It's even more fun when you play with friends! I've gotten my buddy Strifemare to tag along..and maaaaaan it's fun! Here's the video

Will be uploading more Uncharted and Destiny gameplay soon! Keep updated at my Facebook Page!

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